Always ensure you are asking your clients what they expect from the treatment so that you can discuss their expectations before you put lashes on them. If they are after kim kardashian look and they have minimal natural lashes, it might be wise to discuss this with them first, so that they are not disappointed with the results.
A good time to really get to know what your clients lifestyle is like, is when you are chatting with them in the consultation. They might offer information such as sports they play, how often they go to the beach, what they do in their spare time, if they wear glasses etc. This is your chance to educate your clients on lash care and what to expect from their lashes if they are an outgoing person who is very active.
Again it all comes back to education and keeping your clients informed. Most clients will want to do the right things to look after their lashes, as they want them to last as long as possible. On the other hand some clients may disregard the instructions given and during your consultation you have the opportunity to take down notes to refer back to when troubleshooting. A regular beach goer may loose lashes faster due to application of sunscreen, if she told you about this in your consultation then you have the notes to remind her that her lashes may not last the normal length of time due to this.
Remember, when trouble shooting go through the list from top to bottom, both things you and the client could have done incorrectly or forgotten to do.
- Remove all traces of make up with a non oily make up remover
- Cleanse and prep lashes
- Make sure you shake your glue for at least 1 minute
- Ensure the client does not get lashes wet for at least 24 hours
- Make sure your clients use oil free make up removers
- If a client often goes to the beach or wears oily products on her face, advise her to wash thoroughly and educate her and the time frames she should expect out of her lashes.